Sunday, May 16, 2010

Show and Tell

Happy Sunday Everyone!

For some reason, I keep coming back to this coffee shop that has sub par food and mediocre drinks. And now, I can add over-crowded to the list of negatives... not sure what keeps drawing me back to this place. The atmosphere is kinda cool - and it's one of the only local places that has free wi-fi, is close by, and isn't some major corporate giant. Maybe that's good enough - I dunno. But today I was a little smarter about my refreshment choices - cereal before leaving the house and a tasty iced tea at the shop - seems like a good solution.

Music today is a new I-Pod play list...pretty wide range, which matches my busy day of art, work at the office and dinner with friends. Song of the moment - "Running Out Of Time" by Sugar.

On the art side - I finally got Adobe Creative Suite on my Mac laptop (been a problem since the great "dropping incident.") And, as a result, I've got a couple of new pieces to show y'all. Well, they aren't quite done yet - but the files are pretty close to be being complete. I will likely run these through my standard printing process, but I reserve the right to go back to the original files and just use them as is. Aside from some color and minor tweaks, this is pretty much how they came out of the camera:

These are just two of many I've been working on - should have at least 2 others from this group as well...but gotta leave something to keep y'all wanting more - right?

I'm going back and forth on whether or not to post the image I showed in my last entry to the website. I could use everyone's thoughts - let me know what you think. Originally, I looked at it as more of a snapshot, and outside my current body of work - but the more I look at it, the more I like it quite honestly, and I'm thinking it could look OK. Thoughts?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone. More to come soon.


1 comment:

Reconstruction: First a Body, Then a Life said...

whoa that first one looks like if Ansel had been reincarnated to make work in a new generation. fresh, electric-shock thrilling and still classic. very you, my friend. keep 'em coming