Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Distraction Jackson

Hi everyone:

I hope all of you are managing to stay warm. Definitely a bit on the chilly side lately - my Uncle was telling me that the last time he saw weather this cold was during Army basic training in the Rocky Mountains back in the '50's. He's told me all kinds of stories about it - guys eating snow, passing out along the trail, going to bed at 4:00 pm because it was too cold to do anything else, etc.

Blogging music today is "The Boss." Seeing him perform "The Rising" at the Inauguration on Saturday truly put the whole thing in perspective for me. Bruce, an acoustic guitar and a huge choir behind him - can it really get better than that?

So, as the title indicates, I want to talk about distractions. Not the "I'll worry about the laundry after American Idol" variety - something a little more valid than that (though admittedly, I'm a big Idol fan). I promised myself that I would focus on creating new work, not entering exhibitions, seeking out new representation, etc. After all, you need a cohesive body of current, kick-ass work to go out and promote with. But, I find myself being tempted by other things. I want to find that next perfect gallery/rep, and I'm getting impatient. I have no idea how long it will take to complete this "makeover" of my work, and I'm not sure I want to wait to explore until then. I guess this is something I'll just have to struggle with - perhaps a little "cheating" is ok, but as artists, it is really easy to do ourselves a disservice by promoting prematurely. I have to try and remember that and not fall into that trap.

I want to start shooting some new work this week or next week. I'll keep everyone posted. I've got this one spot I've been meaning to photograph for a long time now, but just haven't had the chance. I'm thinking the current snow on the ground might enhance things a bit - we'll see.

That's all for now. Stay warm in your igloos, and for those of you in California, keep your comments to yourself!


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