Friday, February 15, 2013

The Other Side

Hi everyone:

I feel like every time I write a blog update, I'm apologizing for being away for so long.  I suppose there are 2 ways to fix this:  1) stop apologizing, or 2) write more often.  I'm going to try the second option - I know I've said this before, but as a New Year's resolution (albeit in February), I'm going to make a more concerted effort.  I reconnected with a friend this week that I haven't seen in 13 years, and it was during our chat that I realized I hadn't blogged since December!  To that friend:  thanks for the kick-in-the-ass.  You were always good at that, even if you didn't realize you were doing it.

I'm getting ready to make a new print in the next few days, but until then I thought I'd let everyone know that large chunk of my commercial work is now on Aurora Photos.  Until now, I've never though of my work as appropriate for stock photography.  Truth be told, most of my work still isn't - but I've known the folks at Aurora for over a decade and trust them implicitly. So, when they opened up their "myPhone" collection for submissions, I decided it was a great opportunity.  All of the images in the collection are shot with mobile devices and this freed me up to not only shoot with semi-reckless abandon, but also gave me the ability to submit images directly from my phone to the agency.  The work is very different from my regular portfolios, but there are some similarities in terms of subject matter and style.  Rather than describe it any further, how about I let you see for yourself?

(or simply go to and type "sirinsky" in the search field).

For a taste, I've attached an image below that they recently sent out to as part of a promo to all of their clients to highlight the collection.  A shot of my two wonderful girls reading a bedtime story:

Some of the other images you'll recognize from previous posts, and some will be completely new to you.  But, it's been a fun, even if not yet profitable endeavor.  

I hope to have a new print for you very soon.  In the meantime, check out the images I have posted on Aurora, and as always, feedback is appreciated.  Unless it's negative, and then I'll likely ignore it...


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