Friday, October 17, 2008

And The Days Turn Into Weeks

So, in my last post I think I foolishly said something about having more prints in "the next few days" (or something stupid like that). Well, obviously that didn't happen. Life gets in the way sometimes - what can I tell ya? I'm hoping for next week, but we'll see.

Blogging music selection tonight: Monaco - a band founded by Peter Hook (bassist from New Order - one of my all-time favorite bands), and David Potts (from the band Revenge). The band only lasted 2 albums, but I really enjoy them. Probably because they sound like New Order.

Anyway, art-wise, I've found myself becoming more interested in art books. I've always had some lying around, but I started thinking - how cool would it be to have a library full of all kinds of art books? With a nice leather chair. And a posh mini-bar - maybe with a carafe of something in it. Excellent Smithers! Anyway, I've read about some new small presses focusing on art books - I'll send along some links and examples when I can. But, great stuff on the horizon in the art publishing market.

Well, I've been fighting a fever the last 48-hours or so, and as a result, my brain has become incapable of sharing anything else. More soon - just checking in to say hello.

Good weekend to all!


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